
Die Adelphi Destillery (eine der größten
Schottlands) wurde 1826 gegründet und 1902 geschlossen. Die
Wiederbelebung fand durch Jamie Walker, dem Urenkel des letzten
Betreibers, 1993 statt. Adelphi erhält Proben ausgesuchter Fässer von
Maklern oder direkt von der jeweiligen Destillerie und bestellt dann
dort nach ausgiebiger Prüfung die Fässer, die einmal als
Adelphi-Abfüllung auf den Markt kommen sollen. Auswahlkriterien sind
Seltenheit, Reife, Geschmack und Geruch.
Die Abfüllungen von
Adelphi sind im gehoben Preissegment angesiedelt. In der Regel wird in
Fasstärke und direkt vom Fass abgefüllt; also ohne Filterung oder
Färbung. Diese Whiskys können somit also auch Schwebstoffe und
Holzpartikel enthalten. Auffällig ist das sehr kleine Frontetikett, auf
dem nur die Destillerie und das Alter sowie das Adelphi-Logo zu finden
sind. Auf dem ebenso winzigen Rücketikett sind dann Fassnummer und
Alkoholstärke angegeben. In Regel handelt es sich um die klare
Standard-Spirituosenflasche. der
In 2004 wurde die Firma
an Keith Falconer, Donald Houston, Alex Bruce und Liz MacDonald
Generalimporteur für
Adelphi in Deutschland ist

Bild |
Daten |
Original Abfüller
Tastingnotes |
Michael Jackson
Tastingnotes |
Jim Murray Tastingnotes |
bottled 2000
Cask 2711
292 Bottles
52,7% |
Glenrothes is rarely
available as a single, and this in limited amounts, since it is
ranked Top Class by blenders. This example is pale gold in
colour, but throws an astonishingly heavy bead, and has a
fantastically thick texture.
The nose is rich and fruity, we were reminded of Ribena, with
undertones of treacle toffee and syrup sponge with chocolate
This modifies and lightens into pineapple and Rich Tea biscuits
when water is added. The mouth-feel is smooth and coats the
palate, even the roof of the mouth, and the flavour is sweet and
with a long finish and an aftertaste of chocolate fondue.
Mildly feinty and enormously oily
n19t21f19b19 |
bottled 1999
Cask 17035
55,6% |
distilled 1980
bottled 2005
Cask 7127
182 Bottles
56,2% |
This is a superb example,
but curious: it has the kind of deep polished mahogany colour we
associate with sherry-wood, yet it is drawn from a hogshead,
which are almost always made from American oak. The first nose
is winey – like old Cognac - with grape pips, nuts and Christmas
cake (iced, with marzipan). Delicious to taste straight –
reminiscent of Cognac, with a hint of Friar’s Balsam. Water
mellows it and introduces baked crab-apples and good quality
furniture polish. The mouthfeel is smooth and full-bodied; sweet
(again reminiscent of Cognac), but with traces of toffee and an
aftertaste of vanilla pods. These are flavours one associates
with American oak. A long, reflective finish; a perfect digestif
dram. |
Exclusively for Atlantic Importing Co
distilled 1984
12 years
Cask 12745
276 Bottles
55,9% |
The pale colour indicates
maturation in an ex-Bourbon cask, and this is confirmed by the
vanilla aromas
when the whisky is nosed straight. A full, creamy, nose with a
typical, estery, Speyside character.
With water a delicious aroma of freshly baked scones emerges,
and the sweet-associated
scents become honeyed. There is a trace of gooseberries, violets
and geranium leaves.
The flavour engages the whole palate: very smooth and clean,
sweet to start, then bitter.
The finish is pure macaroons, with some hazelnuts.
A delightful after lunch malt.
distilled 1990
bottled 2003
Cask 15355
586 Bottles
59,6% |
The colour of polished
rosewood, this bottling has been done from a first fill sherry
The aromatic profile is similar to the Linkwood (Cask 4816);
‘melted butter prior to making an omlette,
strong Highland cheddar cheese, traces of linen’, but it adds a
perfumed wine note, like Burgundy or Malmsey.
Water brings up crème brulee (with a pear base), treacle toffee
and scorched linen.
The flavour is smooth and sweet, then dry and tannic; rounded
with some dried fruit and burnt sugar.
Great with black coffee and dark chocolate.
Despite that impressive toffee-apple sherry effect on the middle
and finish just the odd flaw marks this one down slightly.
n19t19f21b20 |
bottled 2002
Cask 10965
312 Bottles
57,1% |
Although the distillery is owned by
Highland Distillers (whom we admire for the consistent quality
of their whiskies),
the only proprietary bottlings of Glenrothes come from the
distinguished wine merchant, Berry, Bros & Rudd.
This cask is an excellent example of this fine malt. It has come
from a refill ex-sherry cask,
and is smooth as melted vanilla ice cream to nose, perhaps with
a few dried fruits mixed in.
Water brings up both its Speyside character, and the nature of
the wood it has been matured in.
There are some baked apples here (and their skins); there are
light traces of Madeira, crème brulee,
and matchbox-strikers. The mouth-feel is smooth and rich, and
the flavour sensational:
sweet throughout, but with a chewy complexity |
Ein 10 jähriger von
Adelphi, mit 57,1%, ist frisch und vollmundig, mit Zitrus,
Kokosnuss und süßer Eiche
89 Punkte
A 10-years old from Adelphi, at57,1% vol, is fresh and
mouth-filling, with citrus, coconut, and sweet oak.
Score 89
Toasty and dry for the most part; hot and malty in others
n20t19f20b20 |
distilled 2000
bottled 2007
Cask 2412
301 Bottles
57,1% |
distilled 2000
bottled 2006
Cask 2413
317 Bottles
56,5% |
This is from a 1st fill sherry
hogshead giving the whisky a wonderful polished rosewood colour
even after only 6 years! With a Guinness bead (settling to frog
spawn) you know that this is going to be a special whisky.
A great, full-fudge nose with bags of raisins and almonds (even
Cadbury’s Fruit & Nut), then through the Oloroso sherry stage
and briefly, top class balsamic vinegar, before reverting to
toffee (now treacle).
Wow! The flavour at full strength is sweet, then dry with herbs
and brimstone (the latter is very faint and blows off quickly).
A little water is enough, retaining the vinegar note with burnt
sugar and even the de-glaze after roasting game.
A big mouthfeel: sweet start, tannic middle, long, dry finish
with herbal notes. An exceptional, young whisky! |
distilled 2000
bottled 2008
Cask 2414
309 Bottles
58,0% |
By popular demand… another magnificent
ex-sherry hogshead from Glenrothes Distillery. And possibly the
best so far!
Rosewood in hue, with crimson lights and a decent bead.
A first nose of Caboc (Highland cream cheese rolled in oatmeal),
then coffee cream with hazelnuts or coffee cake with buttery
icing: incredibly mellow for its age, smooth and rounded. After
a while a hint of pomegranate and fresh green plums. A dash of
water raises Highland Toffee, then syrup sponge or brandy snaps
with whipped cream; only a hint of brimstone.
A sweet taste, but lively and spicy across the tongue – a
delicious brandy-snap/ginger-snap combo, with an after-taste of
syrup sponge – or cake mix with loads of butter. Exceptional! |
distilled 2000
bottled 2007
Cask 2415
300 Bottles
Der Glenrothes 7y, #2415 in 57,2% ist
der legitime Nachfolger des Glenrothes 6y, der in ganz
Deutschland sehr viel Aufsehen erregt hat. Eine Durchsage an
alle, die dachten, dass wir die Gefühlsausbrüche der vergangenen
Abfüllung nicht Toppen konnten: Wartet ab bis ihr den hier zu
probieren bekommt!!! Helles Mahagoni schimmert dunkel, grimmig
und verheißungsvoll im Glas. Und dann diese Nase.....Toffee,
geröstete Haselnüsse, etwas Mandel und ....Aromen von
Rum...???!! Dieses Mal kein Stück aggressiv oder alkoholisch. Im
Verhältnis schon fast und relativ reif! Am Gaumen viel Vanille,
toller Duft von getrockneten Feigen, Rosinen, Kirsche in
Alkohol. Ein spektakuläres Gerbstoffgerüst , reif und saftig ,
tragen diesen rassigen Whisky, in den sich viele bestimmt am
liebsten reinlegen würden! Endloser Nachhall! Achtung: Nur 300
Flaschen. |
distilled 2000
bottled 2006
Cask 2416
227 Bottles
This is from a 1st fill sherry
hogshead giving the whisky a wonderful polished rosewood colour
even after only 6 years! With a Guinness bead (settling to frog
spawn) you know that this is going to be a special whisky.
A great, full-fudge nose with bags of raisins and almonds (even
Cadbury’s Fruit & Nut), then through the Oloroso sherry stage
and briefly, top class balsamic vinegar, before reverting to
toffee (now treacle).
Wow! The flavour at full strength is sweet, then dry with herbs
and brimstone (the latter is very faint and blows off quickly).
A little water is enough, retaining the vinegar note with burnt
sugar and even the de-glaze after roasting game.
A big mouthfeel: sweet start, tannic middle, long, dry finish
with herbal notes. An exceptional, young whisky!
Legende,: Murray n=nose t=taste
f=finish b=overall |